Friday, February 23, 2007

space ocean

In the incarnation of a dvd viewer I was recently rocketed into space to take up residence in a 1970's Russian space station.

Outer Space ocean.

Space ocean presents people with the repercussions of their actions not in a*punch* "that'll get ya for what you did to my uncle" way, but in full examine of conscience past and present, and being constantly confronted with conscience and trying to find the right way to be, which doesn't necessarily lead to undoing any bad, any sure feeling you are now doing better, or any reward at all. But you wont be able to live with yourself if you don't do.

Space ocean keeps raising ideas and questions you can entertain yourself with forever and never come any closer to an answer.

Even Tarkovsky's enemies must've bitten their knuckles.

On the back of a pirated dvd of a Tarkovsky collection at Petrivka market he was quoted as saying something like that he wanted this film to give the message that we had to be careful and act in good faith toward all things at all times.

Was space ocean a god? A brain? Or just something that sent out mess-with-your head energy by chance when scientists zapped it with x-rays?

I am only surprised it doesn't have a title as its own specific school of philosophy.

The type in which none of the adherents claim to have any better of an idea of what it is.

The type in which all of the adherents wear a special pendant.

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