Saturday, February 3, 2007

gone all skypey

My dad wanted to do something spectacular for me and my brother when we were in Prague.
He had the idea of using these modern times better, so that we didnt have to get a phone card and run to a functioning phone booth to get 2 minutes talk time for 10 bucks just to stay in touch.

He is a modern man.

He decided, and he didnt care how much it cost, he was going to buy us a skype.
My mum pointed out that she thinks you can get it on the computer, and that she thinks it is free. "Well, you know what I mean Kate. Lets get them all on the skype."

Keen to share the technological wave my parents are surfing, I did get myself a skype.
Begin: skype mania.

Mum was right, it did come from the net.
You can download all sorts of stuff onto it, mp3s and all that, but you should be careful of viruses. Maybe run a virus scan. In case it has trojan horses on it.

I saved mine as a jpeg onto the hard drive, just to be sure. But actually the only way you can really be sure is to back it up. Or get one of those encryptions.

1 comment:

maire said...

chihuahua lady, you SO technical. and johnny so FIERCE. awesome picture! i'd upload that to an external disk array if i were you.