Saturday, May 26, 2007

hand of god

That was the name of a rolled up newspaper we used to hit my friend's vile dog davey on the bum when he bit one of our visitors.
I recently saw it written on a tshirt.

Yet another great thing about summer is that it gives t shirt manufacturers a chance to put a banana skin under the language of international capitalism and reduce English to something either comically off beat or completely irrelevant as a communicative tool.

A young lad on the metro had his back to me, presenting the message "Three cardinal factors are important in pathogenesis of migraine recording"


This kind of pre-empts my next creative project. After the phenomenal "legend in my lunchbox" success of both the wacky-doo and wig mirrors ( collaborative projects with Ned) it is time to move into the tshirt industry. Inspired by the big bully bullshit that has been almost killing Maire for the last few months, the speciality will be corporate-speak.

"Dedicated to utilizing functionality" and "synergize visionary deliverables"
Impactful? Results-driven? Definitely next generation.


maire said...

i am SO there. we can paste empty corporate slogans over the names of the bands on all my concert t-shirts. a perfect confluence of form and function.

Unknown said...

trumps!: just saw a shirt that had "elvis action freedom totally contrast out"