Monday, May 12, 2008

anzthing up the šops_:!

Want anything from the shops
Nah,oh hang on, can you get me a packet of retros
No worries
Hang on, I will give you some money
Ahh, dont worry, they are only one hrvna twenty
Cheers, next ones are on me

That is the type of conversation that might one day happen inspired by the packet of biscuits I got from the shop today.

I got reallz trickz and made mz kezboard czech and as a result the z and y have changed places and I cant find the apostrophe or question mark. On the up side I can do this ěščřžáéů with ease, and a new direction in life might be opening up as it is really easy to accidently do this §.



damien mitchell said...

§ on baby. what is it by the way?

maire said...

retros! what DOES that past taste like?

chihuahua lady said...

retros taste like marie biscuits with a but of gluestick